
A student standing outside in a coat, with art in the background
Program Finder

There's a place for you here

Use this program finder to discover the right program for you.
Browse and filter results by department, study options, funding availability, whether a program leads to professional accreditation, and more.

MEd in Educational Leadership & Policy

Do you want to become a changemaker in elementary and secondary education? Through this program, students gain the skills to become critical and innovative educational leaders, policy analysts, and public servants who will drive equitable change in diverse educational settings across the globe.

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MEd in Curriculum & Pedagogy

Are you working in the field of education and looking to develop a more well-rounded understanding of the theory and landscape of education and its related subfields? In this program, you'll explore how curriculum can shape educational experiences in formal and informal settings.

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MEd in Adult Education & Community Development

Are you interested in social change, social justice, and/or activism? This professional, course-based degree program introduces students to practical applications and theoretical concepts for use in a wide variety of adult learning and community development environments.

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MEd in Curriculum & Pedagogy

Field: Online Teaching & Learning

Want to design and deliver powerful virtual learning experiences? This will program will give you a solid understanding of research in online education and training, and proficiency with a wide variety of modern virtual technologies.

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MEd in Higher Education

Field: Higher Education Leadership

This course-based, MEd degree program is designed for professionals working in higher education at entry to mid-levels, who seek to build their careers in higher education.

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MEd in Educational Leadership & Policy

Field: School Leadership in Diverse Contexts

Are you ready to lead transformative change in education? Tailored for current and aspiring educational leaders, this online and course-based program prepares you to tackle the challenges of leading elementary and secondary schools with diverse student populations, whether in Ontario or globally.

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